My name is Lauren Brown

and I spent the first 30 years of my life not liking myself.

Because I didn’t like myself, I didn’t take care of myself or treat myself very well. At times, I was my own worst enemy. Abandoning my dreams, my plans, my goals, my SELF.

I abandoned myself time and time again. Until I experienced a deep and traumatizing betrayal.

That experience turbo-charged my desire to find myself again. I discovered life coaching and built an entirely new relationship with myself.

I created a new sense of confidence, love, compassion, care, and devotion all for and of MYSELF.

By learning how to care for myself first, I became an even more present and happy mother to my young daughters.

Not only that, but my relationships with everyone around me improved.

For the first time in my life, I started to create goals for ME to achieve because I WANTED to. Not only did I create goals, I actually achieved these goals!

My relationship with food and alcohol improved.

My relationship with exercise became one rooted in self-love.

My inner dialogue about my body shifted from one based in shame to gratitude.

I allowed myself to dream again.

I became a Life Coach, certified through The Life Coach School and started my own business as a coach where, daily, I get to live into my purpose of being a conduit for change.

That deep and traumatizing betrayal was a turning point in my journey.

A turning point that lead me to life coaching and the ultimate journey of caring for myself.

Your turning point can be this paragraph you’ve just read.

See how you can work with me to move forward on YOUR journey with a renewed sense of self-confidence, self-compassion, and radical self-love.

Here’s a look at my journey

I was once so very lost. I’d forgotten myself. I was once heartbroken, betrayed, and afraid.

Now, I am found. Now, I am known. Now, I am continually healing, growing, and loving.

Take a look at the images below to witness a part of my journey.

Although I appear happy in the first 9 photos, my eyes are heavy and dark.

If you look closely, you can see where I came alive again - when my eyes light up again.

You can come alive again, too.